are additional trees that are Allowed in the Right
of Way with Approval, but are not
recommended by the city forester. These trees will survive in the Minnesota
winters. These trees are not recommended for use in the right of way for a few
reasons, sometimes due to the lifespan of the tree or the height or canopy of
the tree. Trees with low hanging branches may cause visual impacts to drivers
on the road, which may cause the need for more tree trimming. Trees with
pine cones or other fruits/acorns can cause clogging and contamination of the
city's storm water system during rain events. Consult with the city forester before installing any of the Allowed
in the Right of Way trees in the Right of Way (15' behind the curb on
your yard). These trees are all acceptable to be planted elsewhere on your
Overstory Deciduous Trees
Black Cherry - Prunus serotina - native to Minnesota
Larch - Larix species
Paper Birch - Betula papyrifera - native to Minnesota
Tamarak - Larix larcina - native to Minnesota
Understory Deciduous Trees
American Wild Plum - Prunus americana - native to Minnesota
Amur Chokecherry - Prunus maackii
Amur Maackia - Maackia amurensis
Apricot - Prunus armeniaca var. mandshurica
Blue Beech - Carpinus caroliniana
Burning Bush Tree - Euonymus alatus - native to Minnesota
Cockspur Hawthorn (thornless) - Crataegus crus-galli var. inermis
Crabapple - Malus species - Apple Scab Resistant ONLY
Cucumbertree Magnolia - Magnolia acuminata
Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis
European Mountain Ash - Sorbus aucuparia
Gray Dogwood - Cornus racemosa I- native to Minnesota
Hydrangea (tree) - Hydrangea paniculata
Japanese Tree Lilac - Syringa reticulata
Korean Mountain Ash - Sorbus alnifolia
Mohican (wayfaring) Tree - Viburnum lantana
Nannyberry Tree - Viburnum lentago - native to Minnesota
Pagoda Dogwood - Cornus alternifolia - native to Minnesota
Pear - Pyrus species
Princess Kay Plum - Prunus nigra "Princess Kay"
Sargent Cherry - Prunus sargentii
Serviceberry - Amelanchier species
Sour Cherry - Prunus cerasus "North Star" "Meteor"
Star Magnolia - Magnolia stellata
Overstory Coniferous Trees
Austrian Pine - Pinus nigra
Balsam Fir - Abies balsamea - native to Minnesota
Canadian Hemlock - Tsuga canadensis - native to Minnesota
Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii
Eastern Redcedar - Juniperus virginiana - native to Minnesota
Eastern White Pine - Pinus Stribus - native to Minnesota
Jack Pine - Pinus banksiana - native to Minnesota
Norway Spruce - Picea abies - native to Minnesota
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus ponderosa
Red (Norway) Pine - Pinus resinosa - native to Minnesota
Scotch Pine - Punus Sylvestris
Swiss Stone Pine - Pinus cembra
White Fir - Abies concolor - native to Minnesota
White Spruce - Picea glauca - native to Minnesota
Understory Coniferous Trees
American Arborvitae - Thuja occidentalis - native to Minnesota
Chinese Upright Juniper - Juniperus chinenses
Mugo Pine - Pinus mugo
Rocky Mountain Juniper - Juniperus scopulorum