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City of New HopeMinnesota

Waste & Recycling

City ordinance requires every household and business to have garbage collection at least once a week. New Hope currently licenses several residential and commercial garbage service providers.

Licensed garbage haulers collect trash on Tuesdays for New Hope homes south of 42nd Avenue and on Wednesdays for homes north of 42nd Avenue. Garbage containers should be set at the curb either the night before or the day of the scheduled pickup by 6 a.m. and returned to a storage location that is either inside or screened from view from the street. Each hauler provides their own garbage cart or dumpster. 

More information about specific services can be found below. 

Licensed Haulers
Licensed Residential Refuse Haulers
Hauler Phone Number Website
 Ace Solid Waste  763.427.3110
 Aspen Waste  612.884.8000
 Curbside Waste  763.504.2872
 Republic Services  763.784.2104
 Waste Management  952.890.1100

A summary of services and rates for haulers is compiled by the Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) each year. Prices are subject to change and generally do not include taxes or fees. Call the hauler for details.

Consider organizing trash collection within your neighborhood with your neighbors. It's a great way to reduce the number of heavy trucks driving through your neighborhood and may result in reduced costs.

Licensed Commercial Refuse Haulers
Hauler Phone Number Website
 Ace Solid Waste  763.427.3110
 Aspen Waste  612.884.8000
 Curbside Waste  763.504.2872
 Dick's Sanitation Service, Inc.   952.469.2239
 Midwest Grease  507.644.6900
 Republic Services  763.784.2104
 Suburban Waste Services  952.937.8900
 Walters Recycling & Refuse  763.780.8464
 Waste Management  952.890.1100
    Consider Self-Organizing Trash Collection

    The New Hope City Council has been exploring organized garbage collection since April 2017. The City has solicited feedback on the topic through a survey and listening session. At the April 16, 2018, work session, the City Council directed staff to take the following steps:

    • Reduce the number of refuse hauler licenses available in the city to four through attrition.
    • Coordinate with city engineer to provide an understanding of potential garbage truck impacts in relation to the City's Pavement Management Plan.
    • Research the possibility of single-sided garbage collection.
    • Create materials outlining a process for residents interested in organizing garbage collection within their neighborhood on their own initiative.

    In response to the request to create materials outlining a process for “self-organizing” trash collection, staff created a Neighborhood Organized Trash Collection Guide for residents who are interested in arranging to use one hauler to collect trash within a specified area. Such efforts would be initiated by neighborhood residents, not the city, and may reduce costs.

    Consider organizing trash collection within your neighborhood. It is a great way to reduce the number of heavy trucks driving through your neighborhood and may reduce costs. For a guide to Neighborhood Organized Trash Collection, click here. 

    Household Hazardous Waste and Problem Materials

    Hennepin County operates a facility in Brooklyn Park to manage the disposal of household hazardous waste and problem materials. These everyday household items may be toxic and pollute the air, land and water if disposed of improperly.


    The Hennepin County Recycling Center and Transfer Station is located at 8100 Jefferson Highway. The transfer station is open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The facility is closed on Sundays, Mondays and holidays.


    To make your visit efficient, safe and productive, review the drop-off facility's guidelines and list of materials accepted on the Hennepin County Recycling Center and Transfer Station website or by calling 612.348.3777.


    For comprehensive information about recycling and disposal options for various materials, reference the Waste Wizard tool on the Hennepin Recycling Group website or app.

    Curbside Recycling

    New Hope provides curbside recycling through Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) to single-family homes, townhomes and small apartment buildings with fewer than eight units. Recycling is collected every other week on the same day as the garbage (on Tuesdays for New Hope homes south of 42nd Avenue and on Wednesdays for homes north of 42nd Avenue).

     New Hope does not provide contracted recycling services for large apartment buildings or businesses. Still, the city ordinance requires all apartment owners to provide residents with a convenient recycling service if they do not qualify for the HRG program.


    Recycling offered by HRG is Single Sort Recycling. Put acceptable recyclable items together in the recycling cart and roll it to the end of your driveway by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day. Set it at the curb facing the street, handle toward the house. Please ensure the cart is at least three feet from any object so the automated collection truck can pick it up. Please do NOT place carts in the roadway.


    Place these items in your cart loose (do not use plastic bags):

    •  Plastic: bottles, jugs, cups, containers (leave lids on)
    •  Paper: mail, magazines, newspaper, boxes (including clean delivery pizza boxes), cardboard, cereal and cracker boxes
    • Cartons: milk cartons, soup cartons, juice boxes
    • Glass: bottles and jars
    • Metal: food and beverage cans

    Place the following items next to your cart:

    •  Cardboard - flattened and taped or tied in bundles 4' x 4' x 6"
    •  Extra recycling in paper shopping bags

    These items are not accepted for curbside recycling:

    •  Garbage, food waste, and diapers
    •  Paper soiled with food, paper plates and cups; paper towels, napkins and tissues; gift wrap
    • Plastic bags, wrap, packaging, utensils
    • Boxes for refrigerated or frozen food products
    • Styrofoam™ cups, plates and packaging; packaging peanuts
    • Shredded paper
    • Window glass, drinking glasses, vases, mirrors, light bulbs
    • Wood, drywall
    • Scrap metal
    • Leaves, grass, brush

    Recycling Carts

    Recycling carts are available in 32, 64, and 96-gallon varieties. If you need a cart, have a broken one, or would like to request a different size or additional one, please call HRG administration at 763.493.8006. There is no additional charge for a cart exchange.


    Need assistance?

    Residents with mobility concerns can call or email HRG to request walk-up service at no additional charge. 


    Missed Collection

    If your recycling was out at the curb by 6:30 a.m. on collection day and was not picked up by 6:30 p.m., contact HRG Administration at 763.493.8006 by noon the next business day to report the missed collection. Leave a message if calling after hours.


    Holiday Collection

    There is no recycling collection on Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. If your regular collection day falls on or after one of these holidays, your service will be delayed by one day.

    Moving In / Moving Out

    When residents move into an existing home, there should be a recycling cart already at the house. Residents should contact Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) at 763.493.8006 if there is no cart.

    Residents moving out of their homes should leave their empty recycling carts in the garage for the next resident.

    Residents can contact any licensed garbage haulers listed on the website to receive quotes on garbage services. The City does not provide garbage service at this time.

    Yard Waste Disposal

    The City provides residents with a convenient drop-off site in Maple Grove for grass, leaves, small brush, tree limbs 10 inches or less in diameter, and small quantities of sod, dirt and gravel. Residents must show their driver's license or ID for proof of residency.


    The Mape Grove Yardwaste Site is open from April 1 to Nov. 30, weather permitting. Site hours are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, 11 p.m. to 7 p.m. The facility is closed on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. The site is located at 10300 Maple Grove Parkway North.


    For more information about the Maple Grove Yardwaste Site, call 763.420.8971 or visit the facility's website.


    Refuse Hauler Pickup

    Some licensed refuse haulers offer yard waste collection as an add-on service. They may charge an additional fee. Residents should contact their specific hauler for details. 


    For comprehensive information about recycling and disposal options for various materials, reference the Waste Wizard tool on the Hennepin Recycling Group website or app.

    Curbside Cleanup Event

    New Hope's next special bulky waste curbside clean-up is in the spring of 2026. The event is held every two years, on even years.


    Eligible households will receive a postcard with their date and details about what is acceptable and how to prepare material before the event.


    Contact Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) at [email protected] or 763.493.8006 with questions.

    Organics Recycling
    About one-third of our trash is made up of organic materials, such as food scraps, food-soiled paper and certified compostable products. Composting these materials is a great way to reduce waste and create compost – a beneficial soil amendment in demand by landscapers and road construction crews. Starting March 31, New Hope’s curbside recycling program through Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) will expand to include weekly organics recycling collection materials using a separate cart.

    At the same time as the HRG program rolls out, garbage haulers will discontinue their organics recycling collection services and remove related charges from their monthly bills. This change aims to provide consistent service, lower costs and reduce heavy truck traffic from garbage trucks. Organics recycling materials will be collected weekly on the same day as regular trash.

    To participate in curbside organics recycling, residents must register online at If you register by March 7, you will receive a cart during the week of March 24. For registrations received after March 7, cart deliveries will be made starting the week of April 21.

    Residents currently using curbside organics collection must register with HRG at to continue the service, as garbage haulers will no longer provide this option. Starting with April's bill, garbage haulers will stop billing for organics recycling and will collect their bins by April 4.

    When the program begins, residents will notice a fee of $2.90 per month added to their City utility bill. If enrollment in the program reaches more than 11%, the citywide rate will increase to $3.75 per month. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recently clarified Minnesota State Statute 115A.93, which prohibits waste haulers from imposing a greater charge on residents who recycle organic materials than those who do not.

    Therefore, waste haulers must charge all residential customers a fee for curbside organics recycling collection regardless of participation status.

    Residents may choose not to register for a cart but cannot opt out of the organics recycling charge.

    All households will receive a postcard with additional information about the program from HRG in February. If you have any questions, please contact HRG at 763.493.8006 or [email protected].



    Crystal Cove Organics Drop-Off

    Drop-off organics recycling is available at the Crystal Cove Aquatics Center, 4848 Douglas Drive in Crystal. The drop-off is located in the northeast corner of the parking lot. There’s a brown organics recycling sign on the gate.


    Access to the drop-off is restricted to registered users. Residents may register by visiting the organics recycling page at Once registered, residents will receive an email containing details on accessing the drop-off location.


    Organics must be in BPI-certified compostable bags or paper shopping bags. A list of accepted items is available in the Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) Organics Recycling Guide or on the HRG website at


    Hennepin County Drop-Off Facility

    Hennepin County offers organics recycling drop-off at the Brooklyn Park and Bloomington Hennepin County Drop-Off Facilities. Organics are accepted for free Tuesday through Saturday during regular facility hours. There is a limit of five bags per person per day.


    Learn more on Hennepin County’s website.


    Backyard Composting

    Backyard composting is a great way to recycle organic material and have easy access to nutrient-rich compost.


    Backyard Composting Requirements

    • Compost sites may not be closer than five feet from any rear or side property line and cannot be located in a front yard or a side yard abutting a public right-of-way, may not be located in any drainage easement and cannot be closer than 25 feet from any residence.
    • Compost sides cannot exceed 25 square feet in area or four feet in height.
    • Only one compost site per property.
    • Compost sites must be totally contained within a structure made of permanent, non-degrading material that allows air circulation and is visually complementary to the lot’s principal structure.
    • Compost cannot be treated with any herbicides or pesticides

    What can be composted?
     Food scraps, garden wastes, weeds, lawn cuttings, leaves and prunings.


    What cannot be composted? Meat, fats, oils, grease, bones, whole eggs, milk or other dairy products, human or pet waste, pesticides, herbicides, noxious weeds, diseased plant material and any other mixed municipal solid waste.

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