Overview and Function
- The New Hope Planning Commission consists of nine members who serve three-year terms.
- The commission makes recommendations to the City Council on matters affecting zoning, platting, residential, commercial and industrial expansions and redevelopment, and public improvements.
- The Planning Commission has two sub-committees. The Codes and Standards subcommittee is responsible for reviewing text amendments to the City Code. The Design and Review subcommittee meets with applicants to review site and building expansion projects before they come before the full commission.
- Ray Alkalai
- Don Collier
- Howard Kaplan
- Heather Koshiol
- Roger Landy
- Matt Mannix
- Michael Redden
- Mike Terres
- Vacant
First Tuesday of each month
7 p.m.
New Hope City Hall
Council Chambers
Television/On Demand Video
Regular Planning Commission meetings are broadcast live and rebroadcast on New Hope’s government access channel, Comcast cable Channel 16. Video of regular Planning Commission meetings is available online. The streamed video is hosted on the CCX Media website. The video is linked to a meeting agenda and viewers may go directly to whatever portion of the meeting interests them. Rebroadcasts begin the day after a regular meeting originally airs and continue until another Planning Commission meeting is held.
Planning Commission Schedule
For a “best case” timeline that planning applicants can expect for review of their project, please view the following:
Planning Application
Complete the form below to submit an application for Planning Commission and City Council review. Return the completed application to the Community Development Department at New Hope City Hall, 4401 Xylon Ave N.