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City of New HopeMinnesota

2024 Seal Coat and Fog Seal

The contract for the 2024 seal coat, and fog seal project was awarded to Allied Blacktop Company. Various neighborhoods throughout the city will have varying degrees of crack repair, seal coat, and fog seal improvements as shown on the project maps below.

The crack repair, seal coat and fog seal process first involves the sawing and filling of any cracks in the road. Then, after a few weeks, the contractor will return and spray a tack coat onto the roadway and will cover it with a chip rock product. This product must sit for at least 10 days, and then the contractor will return to install the fog seal product, which seals the roadway and provides a hard, asphalt driving surface.

"No parking" signs will be installed on project streets the day before as an indicator that seal coat work will begin the following day. Cars that are still parked on the street when seal coat operations begin will be towed at the owner's expense. In general, roads will remain open for traffic and for residents to access driveways during the seal coat process.

Contact Information: Nick Macklem, Project Coordinator, phone: 763.592.6765, email: [email protected] 

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