Performance Measurement Report & SMART Goals
In an effort to better measure and continually improve overall levels of service and quality of life, the city of New Hope developed the Performance Measurement Report and SMART Goals document.
The Performance Measurement Report compares top tier indicators, which capture the state of the city. It is compiled from various sources, primarily the city services survey, an annual paper and web-based survey, and the Morris Leatherman Company Survey, an extensive professional community-wide phone survey.
SMART goals track Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely objectives set forth by department heads. The objective of a SMART goal is to tell exactly what is expected, why it is important, who is involved, when it is going to happen and which attributes are important. Such goals have a much greater chance of being accomplished as compared to general goals. SMART Goals are denoted within the Performance Measurement Report and SMART Goals document with a light bulb symbol.
City Services Survey
New Hope has conducted a city services survey every year since 2011 as part of its participation in the voluntary Performance Measurement Program through the Minnesota Office of the State Auditor. The purpose of the performance measurement program is to help residents and local officials determine how effective the city has been in providing core city services and to measure residents' opinions of those services.
The city's performance measures include both objective and subjective indicators of the quality of police services, fire and EMS services, city streets, water system, sanitary sewer system and general areas including the overall quality of city services, overall appearance and changes in taxable market value and bond rating. In June each year, the survey is made available on the city's website and a paper copy is mailed to residents with their utility bill. Responses are accepted through Oct. 1. It is requested that only one survey per adult New Hope resident be submitted.